Empowered Network is successful every time a survivor secures stable housing and fiscal independence. The network is tied to over $5.5 million dollars in new wage creation since 2017.
To track the more qualitative goals of the program related to curating confidence, igniting hope, and establishing focus, questions are asked at the beginning, middle, and end of the program surrounding the member’s level of empowerment, barriers, goals, and level of community support. On average, program participants see a 72% positive increase in their outlook, highlighting the physical and mental health improvements made over the course of the program.
“This program has given me a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m thankful to have had the most kind, patient, and encouraging advocate to help guide me throughout this process. Having an advocate as a positive influence has played a significant role in shaping my current circumstances.”
“Empowered Network connected me to some amazing people like my advocate, and they helped restore my hope for a future in ways I didn’t realize I needed until then! Thank you to this amazing organization…I’m so grateful to have been a part!”
“I wanted to give you the biggest thank you ever for having my back and for encouraging me and for supporting and loving me as I transitioned into a college graduate. This has been a lifelong goal and has been extremely challenging, and I write this in tears because I’m just so grateful for the support my advocate has given me and for your team.”
On day one of meeting, a survivor was asked, “Who do you trust?” and she responded, “No one.”
Three months later, after EN bridged a gap with her education and housing that has her living independently for the first time while balancing school and full-time employment, she was asked again:
“Who do you trust?” She responded, “Myself. I am strong and smart and knew I could do this.”