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Press Release Contact:            Kristy Norbert /  release October 2, 2017         Press Release Contact: Kristy Norbert / Sarah Saxty / EMPOWER HER NETWORK JOINS FORCES WITH LULU FROST TO LAUNCH THE EMPOWERMENT BRACELET release October 2, 2017 “The power and energies it carries, become those that the...

Thursday, the day of Diwali, as I waited to pick up my son at school, I scrolled through Facebook and couldn’t help but smile at all the lovely Diwali posts. Pictures of people dressed in their Indian finery and celebrating this holiday left me nostalgic....

Imagine you are a young girl living in poverty.  Someone comes in and promises hope for your future, a better life for you and your family.  You take that opportunity, only to learn that you were tricked.  You find yourself being a commodity of a...

Yesterday congress performed a rare feat in near-perfect unity by doing the right thing despite pressure from the deep pockets of Silicon Valley. Three cheers for the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act. The victory is shadowed by one painful question: why the hell did it...